
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Five Months

How has it already been five months? 

It's incredible how much you've changed this month. You've gotten to be so much fun! You take every opportunity to use your voice. You reach up your fist to study it and then scrunch your face and talk as if you're explaining it to us. You see this thing? I just woke up, and there it was. Here, taste it and let me know what you think.You squeal with joy and blow raspberries. You giggle over the smallest things. Do you know how hard I had to work to get that giggle out at first? And now, it's the song of our house. 

You've started to reach for things, including your father and I. You're so curious. You love finding things with your hands. I can't keep your fingernails short enough to keep you scratch-free.

You've also started rolling over. It's still so new to you that you don't quite get it, but every now and then, you roll and get so excited. Tummy time is more exciting. You get up so high on your little arms and bobble back and forth. You raise your little eyebrows, and your blue eyes survey the room. You scream a little when you get tired of it, though, and we're a little worried you might have my temper.

You want to sit all of the time even though you can't really balance yourself yet. I'll slowly let you go, and you lean so far forward that you almost fall on your face. You've sat by yourself for about five seconds before you started to tilt.You're no longer satisfied laying down for long and constantly try to raise yourself up. When we put you down at night, we hear you lift your feet and slam them back down until you're asleep.

When you start getting fussy, all we have to do is stand you up, and you're blowing raspberries again.  You've grown to love your bouncer, and just this week, you've found out that it's aptly named Your little legs get going, and when you spring up, you get the biggest smile on your face. 

This is also the age where most babies start sleeping through the night. Not you, my little renegade. You've gone from sleeping for ten hour chunks to waking up once or twice. Apparently, sleep regression is common, and we've added an additional nap as well as bumped up your bedtime by two hours. It's helped a bit (you were waking up three or four times), and I really can't complain. I'm starting to love cuddling with you in the late hours because I know it's not going to last. It's also helping me master the art of the French press. 

I've loved every day I've gotten to spend as your mom, but I really think we're in the fun stage now. I can't wait to see how much more you learn and grow this month, and I thank God every night that I'm there to witness it.

I love you more than you could ever know,

Monday, January 26, 2015


"to return."

I've really started to miss blogging. I was never very good at it, and I can't guarantee this time will be any better, but I'm at least going to try my hand again. If anything, it's a great way to postpone doing my homework for another ten minutes or so (like I'm currently doing with French. Can I count the title as practice?).

I've accepted a few things this round:
  • There's a good chance I won't keep this as updated as I'd like. I'm a stay-at-home mom and a full-time student. I definitely have free time, but I know that won't always be the case, and this is the lowest priority for me. Well, this and my Netflix addiction. 
  • This won't be a mommy blog. I would love to use this as a way to document our family and J's childhood, but the more I hang around the internet and read news stories, the less convinced I am that it's a good idea. People are creepy. So while I will share updates or stories, I won't be posting pictures, and I'm just referring to him by his first initial.
To be honest, this blog is mainly because I'm falling back in love with writing, but I don't get as much opportunity to write whatever the heck I want. My Word documents are typically reserved for rigid French compositions or essays for history. I'm hoping this blog serves as a way to practice a bit each week. On top of that, I think it's a great way to keep track of different things I just don't seem to get around to such as making our house feel more homey as well as cooking more creatively. 

There's a good chance this will be boring. There's a good chance I might once again find myself erasing every post from a blog that existed for over two years and only had under two thousand views. But even if it is just me typing away into an empty atmosphere, that's okay. 

Well, here goes nothing!